How Diamonds are Formed
Let’s talk about diamonds. A lot of us wear them on our fingers, but we don’t really know where they come from. A common misconception is that diamonds come from coal; but that’s not actually true. So if they don’t come from coal, how exactly are diamonds formed?
There are four main ways diamonds form, but they all have one thing in common: heat and pressure. Without these conditions, you won’t get diamonds.
Diamonds are formed from volcanoes
The most common way diamonds are formed are through intense heat and pressure deep in the Earth’s mantle. They are shot to the surface by vertical volcanic eruptions. Through this method, the diamonds have about 100 miles of pressure (rocks) above them, and are surrounded by intense heat. These diamonds are formed from carbon that was trapped in the mantle during the Earth’s creation. This seems simple enough, but these conditions are pretty rare because of variation in magma patterns and rock type. Even though this is the most common method, it is extremely rare and has not taken place for at least a few million years.
Diamonds are formed from the earth’s crust
Another way diamonds are formed is when part of the Earth’s surface is dragged across a different part of Earth’s surface. If these two pieces of the Earth’s crust are different densities, it will create the heat and pressure intense enough to form diamonds. While you may be imagining mountains, this usually happens with oceanic plates; the source of carbon coming from dead organisms and decaying plants.
Diamonds are formed in asteroid impacts
This next method of diamond formation is extraterrestrial. We’re not talking about aliens, we’re talking about asteroids. Throughout the Earth’s long life, asteroids have occasionally come in contact with it. These impacts come with high heat and pressure, and leave behind diamonds (along with craters). This method has been proven by geologists finding small diamonds around the edges of craters. One crater found in Russia held diamonds as large as 13 millimeters in diameter.
Diamonds are formed from meteorites
The last method of diamond creation comes from meteorites! When two meteorites crash into each other, tiny diamonds can be created in the chaos. Just think, these diamonds could have been created in outer space!
Whichever way a particular diamond is formed, they are all beautiful. We love diamonds no matter where they come from! If you’re ready to see a diamond on your finger, book a design session!